Treatment that is up to 83% effective! We accept most health insurance

Comprehensive Guide to Verruca Treatment Coverage and Claim Process

If you are seeking insurance coverage for verruca treatment, it's important to understand the claim process and relevant procedure codes. Here's a detailed guide for successfully claiming for verruca treatment from insurance providers, including BUPA UK, BUPA International, CIGNA, AVIVA, Health Shield, and Vitality.


Claim Process:

- Required Documentation: Referral from a healthcare provider, medical invoices, and treatment details.

- Claims Department Contact: Contact BUPA UK claims department at [03456 090 111] or visit their website for online claim submission. Get treatment or see a GP I Bupa UK

- Average Processing Time: Claims are typically processed within 24 hours.

- Limitations/Exclusions: Verify the coverage for verruca treatment and any specific exclusions in your policy.

BUPA Provider Number: 85020325

Procedure Codes from CCSD Schedules:

- Verruca Treatment: Initial Consultation

- Excisional Biopsy: S1500 (ii)Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue

- Shave Biopsy: S1420 (ii)Shave biopsy of lesion of skin

- Microwave Treatment: S0601

- Cryotherapy Treatment: S1110 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion of skin (including cauterisation) - up to three

S0820 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesions of skin (including cauterisation) - four or more

- Laser Ablation: S0923 Laser destruction of lesion(s) of skin - over 25cm2 in area

One code per a lesion of each foot. 

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BUPA International

For BUPA International coverage, follow a similar process to BUPA UK and refer to the specific policy details for international coverage specifics.

BUPA provider name: Marion Yau

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Claim Process:

- Required Documentation: Referral, detailed treatment invoices, and diagnostic reports.

- Claims Department Contact: Contact CIGNA claims department at01475 788463 or Existing members can login here: CIGNA Member login, or email: [email protected] or use their online claims portal for submission.

- Average Processing Time: Claims are typically processed within the same day

Cigna Provider Number: 203195

- Limitations/Exclusions: Check policy for coverage details and limitations related to verruca treatment.

Procedure Codes from CCSD Schedules:

- Verruca Consultation: Initial consultation

- Verruca Treatment: Initial Consultation

- Excisional Biopsy: S1500 (ii)Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue

- Shave Biopsy: S1420 (ii)Shave biopsy of lesion of skin

- Microwave Treatment: S0601

- Cryotherapy Treatment: S1110 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion of skin (including cauterisation) - up to three

S0820 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesions of skin (including cauterisation) - four or more

- Laser Ablation: S0923 Laser destruction of lesion(s) of skin - over 25cm2 in area

One code per a lesion of each foot.

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Claim Process:

- Required Documentation: Referral, itemized treatment invoices, and relevant medical reports.

- Claims Department Contact: Contact AVIVA claims department at0800 068 3827 or Existing members can login here: AVIVA Login or utilize their online claims submission platform.

- Average Processing Time: Claims are typically processed within same day

- Limitations/Exclusions: Review policy for specific coverage details and any limitations regarding verruca treatment.

AVIVA Provider Number: 600099010

Procedure Codes from CCSD Schedules:

- Verruca Treatment: [CCSD - Verruca Consultation: Initial consultation

- Verruca Treatment: Initial Consultation

- Excisional Biopsy: S1500 (ii)Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue

- Shave Biopsy: S1420 (ii)Shave biopsy of lesion of skin

- Microwave Treatment: S0601

- Cryotherapy Treatment: S1110 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion of skin (including cauterisation) - up to three

S0820 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesions of skin (including cauterisation) - four or more

- Laser Ablation: S0923 Laser destruction of lesion(s) of skin - over 25cm2 in area

One code per a lesion of each foot.

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Health Shield, CIGNA, and Vitality

For Health Shield, CIGNA, and Vitality, the claim process and procedure codes should be verified directly with the respective insurance providers.

Vitality Health: Marion Yau

WPA Provider Number: 920706491

Health Shield: Marion Yau

Simply Health 0800 197 6999.
You can speak to Simply Health online here: Simply Health.

WPA 0345 122 3100.  You can speak to WPA by clicking here: WPA 

Vitality 0345 602 3523.
You can speak to Vitality by clicking here: Vitality

Procedure Codes from CCSD Schedules:

- Verruca Consultation: Initial consultation

- Verruca Treatment: Initial Consultation

- Excisional Biopsy: S1500 (ii)Biopsy of skin or subcutaneous tissue

- Shave Biopsy: S1420 (ii)Shave biopsy of lesion of skin

- Microwave Treatment: S0601

- Cryotherapy Treatment: S1110 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesion of skin (including cauterisation) - up to three

S0820 (ii)Curettage/cryotherapy of lesions of skin (including cauterisation) - four or more

- Laser Ablation: S0923 Laser destruction of lesion(s) of skin - over 25cm2 in area

One code per a lesion of each foot.

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Consumables: Most insurance do not cover consumables, this includes dressing, antibiotics, medications and medical shoes.

Excess: Some insurance will require excess to pay to us

This comprehensive guide aims to assist individuals in understanding the claim process and accessing insurance coverage for verruca treatment. For accurate and tailored information, it is advisable to directly contact the claims departments of the insurance companies.

If you have further questions or need more assistance, please feel free to contact the respective insurance companies directly for tailored information to your specific policy.

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